Our Community Events
These are Lymm Round Table’s big fundraisers in Lymm each year. All profits after running expenses from these events, and the cost of running the organization, go to charities, ‘good causes’ and community groups via our Charitable Trust. Within our operating expenses are included venue hire, purchase of beer for the beer festival, fireworks and prize money. We are a member of Round Table Britain & Ireland and this allows us to operate as part of ‘Round Table’, and covers central administration and insurance costs for our 3 big events.
Lymm Duck Race
Easter Monday in Lymm village centre. 1000 pedigree yellow ducks are released into Lymm Lower Dam and it’s a cut-throat race to the bottom (well, nearly!). We sell duck tickets to for £2 and the winner gets a big wad of cash.
Read a bit more about Lymm Duck Race or visit the official Lymm Duck Race website, where you can buy tickets and read about the event in detail, at www.lymmduckrace.co.uk.
Lymm Beer Festival
The first Lymm Beer Festival took place in September 2011. By all accounts, it was a roaring success and we’ll be back with more real beer, real cider and real pies in September 2024.
Read more about Lymm Beer Festival.
The Big Lymm Charity Fireworks
We’ll be at Cherry Tree School on Saturday 4th November 2023 letting off some fireworks and trying not to blow ourselves up in the process.
Find out about The Big Lymm Charity Fireworks.