LYMM and District Round Table has started 2014 as it means to continue – by donating lots of money to charity.
Following a highly successful 2013, the Round Table has recently donated over £3,500 to worthy causes, including £1800 towards purchasing heart defibrillators and training for the Grappenhall area, £500 to Kids Cancer Charity for family breaks, £500 to Lymm Cubs for developing orienteering facilities and £350 to the Lymm Squash Club to develop activities for young members learning the sport for the first time.

A further £330 has gone towards the Bridgewater Gymnastics Club for portable equipment and £330 to TOFS, a charity for families of children born unable to swallow.
Round Table chairman Steve Liput said: “It has been another great year for Lymm and District Round Table which is good news for local charities and community groups who benefit from the proceeds from our three main events – the Easter Monday Duck Race, the Lymm Beer Festival and the Big Lymm Bonfire.
“Each year we manage to set the bar even higher for ourselves and 2013 was no different – if we can continue this success into 2014 then it will be a fantastic achievement. Special thanks must go to the members of the public who support our events and also the Round Table members who give up their spare time to help out – great work guys!”